The primary problem with having rats in your home or business is that they are unsanitary. Rats can carry diseases such as e.coli, salmonella and even tuberculosis. They are also likely to be infested with mites, fleas and ticks that can migrate from the animals to your furnishings or even onto you, your family or employees. These, and some of the bacteria contained in rat droppings can cause illness or allergic reactions in some people. A rat infestation can also do damage to the structure of your building as they gnaw wood and can damage electrical cabling.
Sometimes it can be difficult to tell if you have a rat infestation. They are primarily nocturnal creatures, so you are unlikely to spot them being active during the day. Look for signs of rat activity in your premises. Be aware of any droppings, particularly behind appliances. Listen for sounds during the night. Rats tend to move about within the structure of the building, so pay particular attention to floorboards, eaves and behind cavity walls. You might also notice an ammonia-like smell in the building and evidence of the rats gnawing on wood or plastic, particularly food containers.
Rats can gain entry to a building through holes in the eaves or the foundations. They may even be getting access from a neighbouring property if you are in a semi-detached, terraced or high-rise residence. One of the most common points of entry for rat infestations is through the drainage system. Drains and sewers provide a convenient entry point for the rats and they can be difficult to detect due to the presence of water and waste. Rats are rampant in public sewerage systems and if there is any damage at all the pipe work or system, rats can quickly and easily enter your building’s drainage system, and from there the rest of the premises. They need only a small crack or hole to squeeze through and will be able to make their home in your drains.
Fixing any broken drains is the first step. While doing so you could also have a rat-stop installed – a gate-like structure that provides another barrier to entry. To get rid of a current infestation in your drains, you can use lethal or non-lethal traps, or poisoned bait. Talk to a professional pest control service provider to find the best solution. They will also provide clean up and disposal of the rats, either trapped or killed.
Prevention is the best way to stop rats accessing your drainage system. Make regular checks that your drains are in proper working order. If you do find rats in your drains, call us and we can provide a full service to remove them and stop the route of entry to prevent future problems.